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Heritage Commission Minutes 06/16/2011

Members Present:  Lucille Noel, Dawn Marshall, Kate Rafferty-Hall, Jeff Jordan, Michelle Plunkett
Members Excused: Bob & Faye McAnney, Barbara Frangione, Patty Humphrey

Minutes of May meeting accepted motions by Jeff and Kate

Old Business

Main Street Brochure-Denise from Granite Image has the disc and is working on putting ideas in order.  
Master Plan chapter is going slowly, but we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Agricultural Committee is just getting started.  Some of their projects are Farmers Market and Community Gardens.
Their next meeting is July 13th.

The Heritage Commission has received two telescopes.  We are looking for a proper place for them.  They are not too easy to use, so the school or library might not be the place for them.  

Dawn believes she might have a home for them, she will ask the interested party.

Our “This Place Matters” had an overwhelming response.  We had great feedback from this.

We will be starting a NHHR inventory of the Town Library.  We would like to begin this in the fall.  

New Business

Old Home Day

We will be doing the “woodpile contest” again.  The Highway Department will donate the cord of wood as they did last year.  
We hope to have a rough draft of the Main Street Brochure for OHD.

We would like to see if there is interest in the “Boundary Walk”--we will put a signup sheet out at OHD.

We need to purchase 2 more of our handbooks @ $20.00 each.  Kate made the motion to purchase and Dawn 2nd.

On June 28, the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance will be giving a workshop.  The Heritage Commission is hosting this event.  
Hannah West will be available to talk about the Grange and Ruth Hammen will be available to talk about the stage curtains.  

Meeting was adjourned @ 8:45
Next meeting July 21st @ 7:00

Respectfully Submitted
Michelle Plunkett